Here you will find news articles, press releases and occasional blogs about the charity's activities.
Fast Forward 2 – Easy Exit
Due to the outstanding success of our Fast Forward group, we would like to introduce our next chapter – Easy Exit.
So, I hear you say what are these two groups, and what is the difference between them?
FAST FORWARD will remain in its current state of play. Client attending should meet the following criteria:
- Clients moving towards ending their counselling sessions.
- Clients who have achieved or working towards their goals of controlled drinking or abstinence.
- Clients who find endings difficult.
What do we do at FAST FORWARD?
- A dedicated 8-week therapeutic programme looking at lapse/relapse.
- Tools workshops where we discuss various tools the clients can use to help prevent lapse.
- Building a sense of common experiences, albeit different stories, examining the similarity of addictions.
- Identifying and exploring triggers, coping strategies and group resilience building.
This group offers peer support at the end of the 8-week Fast Forward programme, ran on a drop-in basis should clients want to attend. It is a perfect fit for those who have completed the FF programme of 8 weeks, or any clients who you feel have attained their goal of abstinence. The group is primarily around maintenance and ensuring individuals have somewhere to go to talk about any struggles they may be experiencing, share good practice and self-care tips.
As the name suggests it is intended to be a pathway towards exiting the use of the FASS/ADAPT service without the pressure of a countdown to the end of FF groupwork.
What do we do at EASY EXIT?
- Primarily a maintenance group aimed at people exiting Fast Forward.
- Client who has been abstinent consistently, yet still struggle to exit the therapy setting.
- Peer support work, working in an environment that nurtures responsibility, autonomy, and sustainable abstinence.
- A group which encourages the forming and bonding of peer support into friendships and mutual support.
- Reducing feelings of feeling “alone” and isolated.
Please contact us for more information and find out more about referral pathways.
ASIST Training
Another 21 ASIST trained caregivers trained by the fantastic FASS Training team.
Contact: to discuss your training requirements or to find out what bespoke training we can offer…
Training Includes:
- Scottish Mental Health First Aid
- Alcohol/Drugs Brief Interventions
- Know The Script (Drug awareness sessions)
Annual Report 2022–2023
We are delighted to share our Annual Report for 2022-2023. Please click 'download attached file' to view.
Thank you to our hardworking team and our courageous clients. Please share to help us reach the folk who would benefit from our free services.
We are here.
New Curnie Club in Leven
Fife Curnie Club opened a new group at the end of August this year located at Forth Street Hall in Leven. Like the other Curnie Clubs in Fife it has been created for people aged between 28 to 65 years old who are experiencing social isolation and offers the opportunity to meet new friends, make new skills and just have fun.
Curnie Club Outreach Worker Pauline Latto (pictured right) who runs the Leven Club described how a previous member of her group has now gone on to work in a charity shop by building her confidence within the Curnie Club. Another member of her current group has also joined Andy’s Man Club in part due to the benefits of attending the Club. Pauline says she has seen not only an increase in the member’s confidence but also in his sense of humour and an overall growth in personality. This increase in confidence and enjoyment of life is something that she is hoping all members of the Leven group will find themselves achieving.
The new Leven group is hoping to grow its awareness throughout Fife and are keen to work in partnership with relevant local organisations. The Leven group was recently visited by a member of Furniture Plus who, among the roles they perform, assist people with benefits advice and was able to provide some valuable guidance to members of the group.
Pauline who has Cerebral Palsy represented Great Britain in the Javelin at the Paralympics in Sydney in 2000 where she was awarded silver and also represented her country again six years later in Athens. However in 2019 Pauline found herself dealing with the loss of her mother, health issues and also finding herself out of work. This was when she found the Curnie Club and joined as a member progressing on to volunteer and is now a full member of staff running her own Club. Living proof of the invaluable potential of these groups.
The Leven group is on at Forth Hall in Forth Street Leven every Friday from 10am to 1pm. For more information please contact Pauline at or 077436 343183
Dental Health Services at the KY Clubs
Karen Duthie who works at NHS Fife Public Dental Service as part of the Oral Health Team talks here about the services on offer and how the NHS Dental Service is working in partnership with ADAPT at all three of the KY Clubs to provide pathways into treatment
Kirkcaldy - Templehall Community Centre Wednesdays 1-3pm
Lochgelly - Lochgelly Centre Mondays 1-3pm
Methil - Methil Community Education Centre Fridays -11am - 1pm